Not a man’s world! Recent Rabbit Care statistics reveal a slightly higher percentage of women buying motor insurance than men.

Many believe that men are more likely to purchase motor insurance than women. However, the most recent data shows that this is not the case since women make up around half of Rabbit Care’s customer base at 51.2%, while men make up 48.8%. This clearly indicates that women are in control of selecting their motor insurance as much as men. This is why we refer to our target group as CFOs or Chief Family Officers, which can be anyone, men or women, responsible for ensuring the family’s safety and making important financial decisions. According to WHO’s statistics, Thailand has the highest accident rate among ASEAN countries and the ninth highest globally. This statistic supports the necessity of buying motor insurance.
Rabbit Care acknowledges the rise of women’s role in the professional world, which led to more women making essential family decisions. As a result, we work with our trusted partners to offer services that will cater to the needs of women and all genders without any additional charges. For instance, Emergency Roadside Service provides much-needed assistance, such as battery assistance, free towing service, emergency fuel refill, and tire replacement, when experiencing car troubles. Further support is available, such as Send Driver Home and Car Replacement services.
Moreover, in line with Rabbit Care’s commitment to providing services that fulfill the needs of people of all ages and genders, the company also offers “CareOS,” Thailand’s first fully integrated insurance and banking platform that features innovative technology for gathering, analyzing, selecting, and comparing various motor insurance policies and other products such as credit cards, health insurance and personal loans. Customers can conveniently try CareOS by visiting Rabbit Care’s website and clicking “Car Insurance Comparison” in the motor insurance category. After answering questions regarding their car and preferences, the CareOS system will intelligently select the best insurance that suits each person’s lifestyle from a wide variety of motor insurance products from 17 leading insurance companies within 30 seconds.

Above all else, every driver must drive carefully to ensure their personal and other people’s safety at all times. However, no matter how careful you drive, accidents can still happen. Hence, having an auto insurance policy will give you greater peace of mind.

If you would like to take a look at a cute road incident featured in Rabbit Care’s new advertisement, please visit Rabbit Care’s YouTube channel or click (URL). We also invite you to join the activity and get a chance to receive unique gifts on Rabbit Care’s Facebook page or click (URL).
For additional information, contact Rabbit Care at 1438 (24 hours), visit our website at https://rabbitcare.com/ or follow news and activities at www.facebook.com/RabbitCareTH, Instagram rabbitcareth , TikTok rabbitcareth and Twitter @rabbitcareth #RabbitCare #แรบบิทแคร์ #InsuranceBroker

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