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Get ready to discover new services
from Rabbit Care

Comes with extreme care
and exclusives


Experience a variety of exceptional care and exclusive services to deliver extraordinary benefits to Rabbit Care's customers.

Car Care

Assistance service for all problems for car insurance customer.

Health Care

Medical consultation service for health insurance customer.

Leasing and Credit Care

Service to help choose a financial plan For customer interested in insurance.

Care OS

Care OS to help you choose right product for you.

Care Center

Emergency assistance service that is ready to take care of you 24 hours a day.

Exclusive Care

We are ready to raise the level of care for better customer care.

Another level of caring service That will help solve problems for you to be happier than ever.

Care Emergency

Variety of services That makes car problems easy, such as claiming, reporting accidents and ask for help that is more convenient and faster.

Health Caresultant

A new dimension of health care with online medical consultation service and home delivery of prescription drugs that are convenient, fast and without the risk of an epidemic.

Financial Caresultant

Advanced assistant to make it easy to find right insurance plan through a price comparison system in fast time and hassle free.

Care OS

The Care Operating System that will help you think, analyze, and select the products that are right for you, providing you with the greatest value and satisfaction.

Care Center

1438, a new number that is easy to remember, ready to take care of you 24 hours a day to help manage all problems, such as emergency contacts or inquire by expert staff.

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